Captivated by contrasts, the interior designers at MittelCucine have been enchanted by the allure of wood, which they have paired with steel elements. This combination projects the kitchen into a dimension where passion and imagination translate into elegance and modernity.
The mystery concealed by the doors in 5×5 slatted fired Oak wood is revealed upon opening, showing the inner niche in Parker Walnut embellished by the Inalco “Geo Gris Abujardado” ceramic top.
A first glance immediately reveals the strong contrast created by MittelCucine between the wooden doors in slatted fired Oak wood and the steel island, in the quest for new combinations in interpreting the kitchen environment.
La spiccata modernità viene messa in risalto dalle lavorazioni dell’acciaio, con ante a 45° e top sagomato in acc
The marked modernity is emphasised by the steel’s machining, with 45° doors and a 50 mm thick steel top with 30° machining.
aio spessore 50 mm con lavorazione a 30°.
The welded steel sink perfectly integrates into the kitchen worktop and, thanks to its accessories, allows for maximum functionality of all elements.
The “Revego” mechanism conceals the equipment in the kitchen and allows easy push-pull opening for improved aesthetics.
The special design of this glass cabinet enhances the combination of tradition and contemporaneity through technical solutions that create this particular contrast. The showcase’s glass side and the special “Air” hinge of the framed doors are highlighted.
Driving the composition towards a bold modernity is the custom-built, open view element in Parker Walnut, enhanced by LED lights integrated in the shelves. The glass doors are combined with the black under-shelf “Modus” element consisting of a paper roll holder and stemware holder. Ceramic is used for the drawer front.